
Professor Ursula Martin, c2005.
Listen: Ursula Martin speaks about:
Professor Ursula Martin is currently Professor of Computer Science in Department of Computer Science and Vice Principal for Science and Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London.
Martin earned her MA at Cambridge and her PhD at Warwick, both in mathematics. She has held academic posts at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Manchester and Royal Holloway, University of London. She has made sabbatical visits to MIT and SRI International.
She was appointed Professor of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews in 1992, becoming the first female professor at that university since its foundation in 1411. She left St Andrews in 2002 to take up her post at QMUL.
From 2003-2005, Martin was Director of the Women@CL Project, based at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge . The Project leads local, national and international initiatives for women in computing, supported by Microsoft Research and Intel Cambridge Research. She was Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge.
Martin was co-chair of ACM-W, the committee on women of the ACM from 2002-2005. The ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest professional body for computer science, with 80,000 members. She has also chaired the London Mathematical Society's Computer Science Committee, and also served on the LMS Committee on Women in Mathematics.
Her current research concerns using fundamental ideas from computer science to provide a new understanding of control in engineering applications, and greater assurance in designing digital control systems, for example in avionics or novel computational architectures. This is a collaboration with Qinetiq, NASA Langley and Intel Cambridge Research.
Throughout Professor Martin's career, she has been involved in many activities aimed at encouraging women in the fields of computing and mathematics. Her research interests have been in the area of theoretical computer science and formal methods.